Buckeye Ready-Mix



Buckeye Ready-Mix understands its strength is its people. That’s why we’re committed to safety. With a safety-minded culture integrated into our business at the employee level, our mission is to provide protection for our coworkers, our customers, motorists, the general public, our families and ourselves. Our goal is always zero incidents and injuries.

Concrete Safety Data Sheet


One of the difficult things about concrete burns is that it affects a persons skin in a number of different ways. Some people have hypersensitive skin and cannot tolerate any contact with cement. Concrete related skin problems are most commonly termed as “Contact Dermatitis”. There are two types of “Contact Dermatitis”, irritant contact dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis.

Irritant Contact Dermatitis - typically has a rash or redness caused by contact with the skin.

Allergic Contact Dermatitis - is caused by skin contact with a chemical that penetrates the skin and triggers the reaction. This involves an immune response to the skin very similar to poison ivy. The immune response is a rash and thus may appear in areas where the concrete did not come in contact with the skin, just like poison ivy. The allergic reaction may exhibit itself as mundane as a small rash and may be as horrific as a severe burn to those who are super sensitive.


Buckeye Ready-Mix treats all cement burns seriously no matter the size. All of our trucks have a bright red, white and black placard fixed on the left side of the main chute in order to constantly remind all of our employees and customers of the danger associate with handling fresh portland cement concrete.

Here is what the placard looks like.

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